debug = (($key == 'on' || $key == 'off' || $key == 'kill' || $key == 'throw') ? $key : $dbOn); if ($key != "" && $key != "on" && $key != "off" && $key != 'kill' && $key != 'throw') { $this->key = $key; } else { include('conn.cfg.php'); $appLines = $connInfo; foreach ($appLines as $appLine) { $details[substr($appLine, 0, strpos($appLine, ":"))] = explode(":", $appLine); } $appname = $details[$name][1]; $type = $details[$name][2]; $this->key = $details[$name][3]; } switch ($type) { case 'm': $this->client = new xmlrpc_client("https://$"); break; case 'i': default: if (!isset($appname)) { $appname = $name; } $this->client = new xmlrpc_client("https://$"); break; } /* Return Raw PHP Types */ $this->client->return_type = "phpvals"; /* SSL Certificate Verification */ $this->client->setSSLVerifyPeer(TRUE); $this->client->setCaCertificate((__DIR__ != '__DIR__' ? __DIR__ : dirname(__FILE__)) . '/infusionsoft.pem'); //$this->client->setDebug(2); $this->encKey = php_xmlrpc_encode($this->key); /* Connection verification */ try { $connected = $this->dsGetSetting("Application", "enabled"); } catch (iSDKException $e) { throw new iSDKException("Connection Failed"); } return true; } /** * @method getTemporaryKey * @description Connect and Obtain an API key from a vendor key * @param string $name - Application Name * @param string $user - Username * @param string $pass - Password * @param string $key - Vendor Key * @param string $dbOn - Error Handling On * @param string $type - Infusionsoft or Mortgage Pro * @return bool * @throws iSDKException */ public function vendorCon($name, $user, $pass, $key = "", $dbOn = "on", $type = "i") { $this->debug = (($key == 'on' || $key == 'off' || $key == 'kill' || $key == 'throw') ? $key : $dbOn); if ($key != "" && $key != "on" && $key != "off" && $key != 'kill' && $key != 'throw') { if ($type == "i") { $this->client = new xmlrpc_client("https://$"); } else if ($type == "m") { $this->client = new xmlrpc_client("https://$"); } else { throw new iSDKException ("Invalid application type: \"$name\""); } $this->key = $key; } else { include('conn.cfg.php'); $appLines = $connInfo; foreach ($appLines as $appLine) { $details[substr($appLine, 0, strpos($appLine, ":"))] = explode(":", $appLine); } if (!empty($details[$name])) { if ($details[$name][2] == "i") { $this->client = new xmlrpc_client("https://" . $details[$name][1] . ""); } elseif ($details[$name][2] == "m") { $this->client = new xmlrpc_client("https://" . $details[$name][1] . ""); } else { throw new iSDKException("Invalid application name: \"" . $name . "\""); } } else { throw new iSDKException("Application Does Not Exist: \"" . $name . "\""); } $this->key = $details[$name][3]; } /* Return Raw PHP Types */ $this->client->return_type = "phpvals"; /* SSL Certificate Verification */ $this->client->setSSLVerifyPeer(TRUE); $this->client->setCaCertificate((__DIR__ != '__DIR__' ? __DIR__ : dirname(__FILE__)) . '/infusionsoft.pem'); $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($this->key), php_xmlrpc_encode($user), php_xmlrpc_encode(md5($pass))); $this->key = $this->methodCaller("DataService.getTemporaryKey", $carray); $this->encKey = php_xmlrpc_encode($this->key); try { $connected = $this->dsGetSetting("Application", "enabled"); } catch (iSDKException $e) { throw new iSDKException("Connection Failed"); } return TRUE; } /** * @method echo * @description Worthless public function, used to validate a connection * @param string $txt * @return int|mixed|string */ public function appEcho($txt) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($txt)); return $this->methodCaller("DataService.echo", $carray); } /** * @method Method Caller * @description Builds XML and Sends the Call * @param string $service * @param array $callArray * @return int|mixed|string * @throws iSDKException */ public function methodCaller($service, $callArray) { /* Set up the call */ $call = new xmlrpcmsg($service, $callArray); if ($service != 'DataService.getTemporaryKey') { array_unshift($call->params, $this->encKey); } /* Send the call */ $now = time(); $start = microtime(); $result = $this->client->send($call); $stop = microtime(); /* Check the returned value to see if it was successful and return it */ if (!$result->faultCode()) { if ($this->loggingEnabled == 1) { $this->log(array('Method' => $service, 'Call' => $callArray, 'Start' => $start, 'Stop' => $stop, 'Now' => $now, 'Result' => $result, 'Error' => 'No', 'ErrorCode' => 'No Error Code Received')); } return $result->value(); } else { if ($this->loggingEnabled == 1) { $this->log(array('Method' => $service, 'Call' => $callArray, 'Start' => $start, 'Stop' => $stop, 'Now' => $now, 'Result' => $result, 'Error' => 'Yes', 'ErrorCode' => "ERROR: " . $result->faultCode() . " - " . $result->faultString())); } if ($this->debug == "kill") { die("ERROR: " . $result->faultCode() . " - " . $result->faultString()); } elseif ($this->debug == "on") { return "ERROR: " . $result->faultCode() . " - " . $result->faultString(); } elseif ($this->debug == "throw") { throw new iSDKException($result->faultString(), $result->faultCode()); } elseif ($this->debug == "off") { //ignore! } } } /** * @service Affiliate Program Service */ /** * @method getAffiliatesByProgram * @description Gets a list of all of the affiliates with their contact data for the specified program. This includes all of the custom fields defined for the contact and affiliate records that are retrieved. * @param int $programId * @return array */ public function getAffiliatesByProgram($programId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$programId)); return $this->methodCaller("AffiliateProgramService.getAffiliatesByProgram", $carray); } /** * @method getProgramsForAffiliate * @description Gets a list of all of the Affiliate Programs for the Affiliate specified. * @param int $affiliateId * @return array */ public function getProgramsForAffiliate($affiliateId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$affiliateId)); return $this->methodCaller("AffiliateProgramService.getProgramsForAffiliate", $carray); } /** * @method getAffiliatePrograms * @description Gets a list of all of the Affiliate Programs that are in the application. * @return int|mixed|string */ public function getAffiliatePrograms() { $carray = array(); return $this->methodCaller("AffiliateProgramService.getAffiliatePrograms", $carray); } /** * @method getResourcesForAffiliateProgram * @description Gets a list of all of the resources that are associated to the Affiliate Program specified. * @param int $programId * @return array */ public function getResourcesForAffiliateProgram($programId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$programId)); return $this->methodCaller("AffiliateProgramService.getResourcesForAffiliateProgram", $carray); } /** * @service Affiliate Service */ /** * @method affClawbacks * @description returns all clawbacks in a date range * @param int $affId * @param date $startDate * @param date $endDate * @return array */ public function affClawbacks($affId, $startDate, $endDate) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$affId), php_xmlrpc_encode($startDate, array('auto_dates')), php_xmlrpc_encode($endDate, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("APIAffiliateService.affClawbacks", $carray); } /** * @method affCommissions * @description returns all commissions in a date range * @param int $affId * @param date $startDate * @param date $endDate * @return array */ public function affCommissions($affId, $startDate, $endDate) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$affId), php_xmlrpc_encode($startDate, array('auto_dates')), php_xmlrpc_encode($endDate, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("APIAffiliateService.affCommissions", $carray); } /** * @method affPayouts * @description returns all affiliate payouts in a date range * @param int $affId * @param date $startDate * @param date $endDate * @return array */ public function affPayouts($affId, $startDate, $endDate) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$affId), php_xmlrpc_encode($startDate, array('auto_dates')), php_xmlrpc_encode($endDate, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("APIAffiliateService.affPayouts", $carray); } /** * @method affRunningTotals * @description Returns a list with each row representing a single affiliates totals represented by a map with key (one of the names above, and value being the total for that variable) * @param array $affList * @return array */ public function affRunningTotals($affList) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($affList)); return $this->methodCaller("APIAffiliateService.affRunningTotals", $carray); } /** * @method affSummary * @description returns how much the specified affiliates are owed * @param array $affList * @param date $startDate * @param date $endDate * @return array */ public function affSummary($affList, $startDate, $endDate) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($affList), php_xmlrpc_encode($startDate, array('auto_dates')), php_xmlrpc_encode($endDate, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("APIAffiliateService.affSummary", $carray); } /** * @method getRedirectLinksForAffiliate * @description returns redirect links for affiliate specified * @param $affiliateId * @return int|mixed|string */ public function getRedirectLinksForAffiliate($affiliateId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$affiliateId)); return $this->methodCaller("AffiliateService.getRedirectLinksForAffiliate", $carray); } /** * @service Contact Service */ /** * @method add * @description add Contact to Infusionsoft (no duplicate checking) * @param array $cMap * @param string $optReason * @return int */ public function addCon($cMap, $optReason = "") { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($cMap, array('auto_dates'))); $conID = $this->methodCaller("ContactService.add", $carray); if (!empty($cMap['Email'])) { if ($optReason == "") { $this->optIn($cMap['Email']); } else { $this->optIn($cMap['Email'], $optReason); } } return $conID; } /** * @method update * @description Update an existing contact * @param int $cid * @param array $cMap * @return int */ public function updateCon($cid, $cMap) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode($cMap, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.update", $carray); } /** * @method merge * @description Merge 2 contacts * @param int $cid * @param int $dcid * @return int */ public function mergeCon($cid, $dcid) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($cid), php_xmlrpc_encode($dcid)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.merge", $carray); } /** * @method findbyEmail * @description finds all contact with an email address * @param string $eml * @param array $fMap * @return array */ public function findByEmail($eml, $fMap) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($eml), php_xmlrpc_encode($fMap)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.findByEmail", $carray); } /** * @method load * @description Loads a contacts data * @param int $cid * @param array $rFields * @return array */ public function loadCon($cid, $rFields) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode($rFields)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.load", $carray); } /** * @method addToGroup * @description Apply a Tag to a Contact * @param int $cid * @param int $gid * @return bool */ public function grpAssign($cid, $gid) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$gid)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.addToGroup", $carray); } /** * @method removeFromGroup * @description Remove a Tag from a Contact * @param int $cid * @param int $gid * @return bool */ public function grpRemove($cid, $gid) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$gid)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.removeFromGroup", $carray); } /** * @method resumeCampaignForContact * @description resumes a legacy followup sequence a contact is in * @param int $cid * @param int $sequenceId * @return bool */ public function resumeCampaignForContact($cid, $sequenceId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$sequenceId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.resumeCampaignForContact", $carray); } /** * @method addToCampaign * @description adds a contact to a legacy followup sequence * @param int $cid * @param int $campId * @return bool */ public function campAssign($cid, $campId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$campId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.addToCampaign", $carray); } /** * @method getNextCampaignStep * @description gets next step in a legacy followup sequence * @param int $cid * @param int $campId * @return array */ public function getNextCampaignStep($cid, $campId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$campId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.getNextCampaignStep", $carray); } /** * @method getCampaigneeStepDetails * @description get step details for a legacy followup sequence * @param int $cid * @param int $stepId * @return array */ public function getCampaigneeStepDetails($cid, $stepId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$stepId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.getCampaigneeStepDetails", $carray); } /** * @method rescheduleCampaignStep * @description reschedule a legacy followup sequence * @param array $cidList * @param int $campId * @return int */ public function rescheduleCampaignStep($cidList, $campId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($cidList), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$campId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.rescheduleCampaignStep", $carray); } /** * @method removeFromCampaign * @description remove a contact from a legacy followup sequence * @param int $cid * @param int $campId * @return bool */ public function campRemove($cid, $campId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$campId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.removeFromCampaign", $carray); } /** * @method pauseCampaign * @description pause a legacy followup sequence for a contact * @param int $cid * @param int $campId * @return bool */ public function campPause($cid, $campId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$campId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.pauseCampaign", $carray); } /** * @method runActionSequence * @description run an actionset on a contact * @param int $cid * @param int $aid * @return array */ public function runAS($cid, $aid) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$cid), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$aid)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.runActionSequence", $carray); } /** * @method applyActivityHistoryTemplate * @description add a note, task, or appointment to a contact from a template * @param int $contactId * @param int $historyId * @param int $userId * @return int|mixed|string */ public function applyActivityHistoryTemplate($contactId, $historyId, $userId) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$contactId), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$historyId), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$userId)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.applyActivityHistoryTemplate", $carray); } /** * @method getActivityHistoryTemplateMap * @description get templates for use with applyActivityHistoryTemplate * @return array */ public function getActivityHistoryTemplateMap() { $carray = array(); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.getActivityHistoryTemplateMap", $carray); } /** * @method addWithDupCheck * @description add a contact with duplicate checking * @param array $cMap * @param string $checkType - 'Email', 'EmailAndName', or 'EmailAndNameAnd Company' * @return int */ public function addWithDupCheck($cMap, $checkType) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($cMap, array('auto_dates')), php_xmlrpc_encode($checkType)); return $this->methodCaller("ContactService.addWithDupCheck", $carray); } /** * @service Credit Card Submission Service */ /** * @method requestSubmissionToken * @description gets a token, which is needed to POST a credit card to the application * @param int $contactId * @param string $successUrl * @param string $failureUrl * @return string */ public function requestCcSubmissionToken($contactId, $successUrl, $failureUrl) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$contactId), php_xmlrpc_encode((string)$successUrl), php_xmlrpc_encode((string)$failureUrl)); return $this->methodCaller("CreditCardSubmissionService.requestSubmissionToken", $carray); } /** * @method requestCreditCardId * @description retrieves credit card details (CC number not included) that have been posted to the app * @param $token * @return array */ public function requestCreditCardId($token) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($token)); return $this->methodCaller("CreditCardSubmissionService.requestCreditCardId", $carray); } /** * @service Data Service */ /** * @method getAppSetting * @description gets an app setting * @param string $module * @param string $setting * @return int|mixed|string */ public function dsGetSetting($module, $setting) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($module), php_xmlrpc_encode($setting)); return $this->methodCaller("DataService.getAppSetting", $carray); } /** * @method add * @description Add a record to a table * @param string $tName * @param array $iMap * @return int */ public function dsAdd($tName, $iMap) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($tName), php_xmlrpc_encode($iMap, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("DataService.add", $carray); } /** * @method dsAddWithImage * @description Add a record to a table that includes an image * @param string $tName * @param array $iMap * @return int */ public function dsAddWithImage($tName, $iMap) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($tName), php_xmlrpc_encode($iMap, array('auto_dates', 'auto_base64'))); return $this->methodCaller("DataService.add", $carray); } /** * @method delete * @description delete a record from Infusionsoft * @param string $tName * @param int $id * @return bool */ public function dsDelete($tName, $id) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($tName), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$id)); return $this->methodCaller("DataService.delete", $carray); } /** * @method update * @description Update a record in any table * @param string $tName * @param int $id * @param array $iMap * @return int */ public function dsUpdate($tName, $id, $iMap) { $carray = array( php_xmlrpc_encode($tName), php_xmlrpc_encode((int)$id), php_xmlrpc_encode($iMap, array('auto_dates'))); return $this->methodCaller("DataService.update", $carray); } /** * @method dsUpdateWithImage * @description Update a record in any table with an image * @param string $tName * @param int $id * @param arrayအသွေးမြင့် Bulb Syringe 60ml ဆည်မြောင်းထိုးဆေး နို့တိုက်ကျွေးသော ဆေးထိုးရည် အထူးအသားပေးပုံ" style="width:100%" />


1.Model Number: AE-201
2. အဝင်ဗို့အား: DC 5V
3. အဆင့်သတ်မှတ်ဗို့အား: 3.7V
4. အဆင့်သတ်မှတ်ပါဝါ: 3.5W
5. အားသွင်းချိန်- 60 မိနစ်
6. အသုံးပြုချိန်- 25 မိနစ်
7. ဘက်ထရီပမာဏ: 320mAh
8. အရည်ပမာဏ: 300ml
9. အလေးချိန်: 170g
10. အများဆုံးစီးဆင်းမှု- 0.4L/မိနစ်
11. Max Pressure: 30psi
12. ဆူညံသံ- <60DB
13. ရေစိုခံအဆင့်: IPX65


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ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏ဖွံ့ဖြိုးတိုးတက်မှုသည် ခေတ်မီစက်ကိရိယာများ၊ ထူးချွန်သောစွမ်းရည်များနှင့် စဉ်ဆက်မပြတ် အားကောင်းလာသည့် နည်းပညာအင်